Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wells Fargo Sues Wells Fargo? You can’t Expect a Bank that is Dumb Enough to Sue Itself to know why it is Suing Itself…

Wells Fargo Sues Wells Fargo?

Fox News Interviews Al Lewis of Dow Jones about it…

You can’t expect a bank that is dumb enough to sue itself to know why it is suing itself.

Yet I could not resist asking Wells Fargo Bank NA why it filed a civil complaint against itself in a mortgage foreclosure case in Hillsborough County, Fla.

Wells Fargo Sues Wells Fargo? You can’t Expect a Bank that is Dumb Enough to Sue Itself to know why it is Suing Itself…




1 comment:

  1. I just had a case like this. It's a strange legal fiction, which at the end of the day amounts to nothing more than increased legal fees for Wells' attorneys.
