Friday, December 30, 2011
Wells Fargo, N.A. v Mcnee :: Another win for the Law Offices of Robert E. Brown!!
Another win for the Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.! As real estate has the saying - location, location, location. Foreclosure Defense should have Standing, Standing, Standing! This proves once again that lenders will go to any length to foreclose.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v McNee
Full decision below:
Wells Fargo Bank, N.a. v McNee w
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Urban Institute: Foreclosure backlog to 'take decades to complete'
Independent Foreclosure Review Fail | NY Times – Foreclosure Relief? Don’t Hold Your Breath
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Law Office of Robert E. Brown is featured on CNN Money
Foreclosure free ride: 3 years, no payments
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Delinquent borrowers facing foreclosure are learning that they can stay in their homes for years, as long as they're willing to put up a fight.
Click Here: CNN Money
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Lawmaker Presses for Criminal Investigation of GSEs
Foreclosure dismissed-- Frivolous conduct by HSBC
Foreclosure dismissed on basis of Frivolous conduct by HSBC.
Another win for The Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.
Expunged from Public Record: Evidence of Fraud Warning to Future Buyers and Real Estate Researches
Fannie Builds Servicing Business via Secret Contracts
Capital One Financial | More Illegal Conduct By Banks Excused?
6 Things Renters Need to Know About Eviction from Foreclosed Properties
Friday, December 23, 2011
Special Report: The watchdogs that didn't bark
(SIGTARP). He simply put it this way "to collect via settlement is better politically". Again, how sick is that? Homeowners get screwed over by their brokers, lenders and now by those who were supposed to protect them from the wolves.
For Every Two Homes for Sale, There's One in the Shadows
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Sued by California Attorney General
BofA to pay $335 million in fair-lending settlement
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Principal reduction outpaces short sales under HAMP
Friday, December 16, 2011
U.S Bank National Association v. Alan Bressler
Alan Bressler, CCU LLC, MERS, INC. ET AL, Defendants.
Full Decision can be found here:
This case also calls Steven J. Baum's master "Robo-Signer" Elpiniki Bechakas into question again. When is somebody going to depose her and make an example of this behavior!
Too Big to Stop: Why Big Banks Keep Getting Away With Breaking the Law
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell - Cantwell to Justice Department: Fully Investigate Fraudulent Foreclosures before Bank Settlement
Nevada AG Files Suit Against Three More Notaries
Thursday, December 15, 2011
'Conflicted robosigner' equals no foreclosure: NY state judge
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Neil Barofsky - SIGTARP
Fed: House Flipping Led to Deeper Housing Collapse
FDIC reaches $64M settlement in WaMu case
Attorneys General Expect to Reach Settlement Before Christmas
Do You Have Any Of These Violations On Your Mortgage?
Audited Results:
* Excessive fee charged to borrower
* Over compensation to mortgage broker
* Wrong lender foreclosing on borrower
* Borrower never received acceleration notice
* No HUD given to borrower at closing
* Mortgage broker over stated borrower’s income
* Mortgage broker added false bank account to borrower’s loan application
* Asset based lending
* Bait and switch. Borrower was switched at closing into an ARM loan
* No pre-closing documents – TIL, GFE, IOAF, Loan type, Broker’s fees
* Margin 7.125% (Adjustable rate loans only)
* TIL and Note payments do not match
* TIL does not clearly state mortgage payment
* Loan discount $ 9,315.00 – No benefit to borrower
* Mortgage broker never disclosed their additional fees
* Mortgage broker promised borrower a cash out of $76,000 if they closed the loan.
* Borrower received no note at the closing
* Borrower never signed any closing documents. Broker “lifted” borrower’s signatures from a
previous loan.
* Mortgage broker closed loan at borrower’s place of business without an attorney, notary or
title company.
* Foreclosure filed during the 30 notice period
* Loan flipping. No benefit to borrower
* Closing costs ($75,966.65) higher than GFE ($47,377.15)
* $28,589.50 missing from closing (HUD)
* Hidden payment to mortgage by bank (YSP $17,402.16)
* Mortgage broker over stated borrower’s bank account by $80,400.00
* Borrower was charged for the presence of an attorney when no one presented them
* High cost loan
* APR higher
* Borrower never received cash out as shown on HUD
* Borrower received no documents at closing
* Dual tracking -
* Borrower never served foreclosure documents
* Foreclosure illegally started
* Bank took payments from borrower and than foreclosed
* Process server falsified documents stating they served borrower when they did not.
* No pre-foreclosure documents given to borrower
* Foreclosure filed during the 30 day and 90 period.
* Real Estate broker, mortgage broker and attorney worked together to obtain financing and
sell property to an unsuspecting borrower providing him with false and misleading information
while also giving inaccurate and deceptive information to the lender.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
NBC Nightly News | John O’Brien: Can’t tell who owns mortgages (VIDEO
MERS, FannieMae
Freddie Mac
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: Stop Bashing the Rich “Acting like everyone who’s been successful is bad and that everyone who is rich is bad – I just don’t
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Banker Servicing Abuses. Has This Happened To You?
- Dual Tracking (working on mod & foreclosure filed at the same time)
- Foreclosure filed even though you’re current
- Faxing modification paperwork multiple times
- Different stories every time you call your lender
- Trial Mod exceeds the 3 month timeline
- Improper denial of HAMP (or in-house mod)
- Rights waiver inserted into loan modification agreements
- Improperly applied mortgage payments
- Escrow payments applied incorrectly
- Bogus/inaccurate fees on reinstatement figures
- Not providing timely reinstatement or payoff figures
- Bank provides no communication to borrower regarding late payments or pre-foreclosure
- Robo-signing (save the best for last). Bad signatures, bad assignments, no affidavits
If you believe any of the above has happened and feel you need help to resolve the problem please contact our office for a FREE consultation.
Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.
2409 Richmond Road Staten Island, New York 10306
Att’y Advertising
SEC official: Feds conclude that many allegations of financial wrongdoing can’t succeed as criminal prosecutions
NUCLEAR BOMBSHELL- THE IRS Enters The Fraudclosure Fight
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
GMAC Counters Lawsuit with Decision to Pull Lending in Massachusetts
The Financial Crisis | A Timeline of Events and Policy Actions
Foreclosure Crisis Isn't Even Halfway Over: Study
Monday, December 5, 2011
You May Have a Predatory or Fraudulent Mortgage If:
•The closing took place in your home or place of business
•There was no physical closing
•You never signed any paperwork
•You never received all of your paperwork
•The mortgage broker promised or paid you to close
•You received no paperwork before the closing
•You were promised a fixed rate loan and then received an adjustable rate
•Your payment was higher than broker stated it would be
•You were told your payment included taxes and insurance
•You were told you needed to buy “life insurance” in order to be approved
•Your income was inflated
•You were approved for the loan based on the value of your home not on your income
•The mortgage broker increased the number of apartments on your application
•The broker added bank accounts you don’t have or inflated the balance in them
•The mortgage broker received an “extra” payment from the bank (known as a Y.S.P.)
•The mortgage broker earned more than what would be consider reasonable
•You refinanced multiple times (loan flipping)
•Broker promised to refinance you into a “better loan”
•Interest rate is higher than promised or incorrect
•Cash out promised is less than received
•Closing costs are higher than stated
•High closing costs
•Unearned or bogus fees paid to the bank or broker
•Payment to mortgage broker is higher than shown on closing statement (HUD)
•You were specifically targeted for a specific type of loan (more fees for broker)
•You were locked into the loan for a long period (or you had to pay a fee)
If you have any questions regarding your mortgage, predatory lending or how we can help you to fight back against foreclosure please feel free to contact us.
Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.
2409 Richmond Rd., Staten Island, New York 10306
Phone: 718-979-9779 Email:
Attorney Advertising
Friday, December 2, 2011
Pillar Processing | 590 Face Layoff as Steven J. Baum Woes Spread
Massachusetts AG Lawsuit
Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is suing five of the nation's largest banks for deceptive foreclosure and mortgage modification practices, her office announced Thursday. Coakley's suit signals her formal departure from ongoing settlement negotiations between those banks, the Obama administration and a coalition of other state AGs over faulty foreclosure procedures.
Full Story:
Massachusetts AG Lawsuit: Five Major U.S. Banks Accused Of Deceptive Foreclosure Practices
Thursday, December 1, 2011
U.S. Foreclosure Fraud in a Nutshell, How Average Joe's Home Was Stolen
Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion Undisclosed to Congress
Mortgage Servicers: Getting Away with the Perfect Crime?
HERO Judge Rakoff May Have Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein Testify
A Banker Speaks, With Regret
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Oversight Committee Democrats Urge FHFA Director to Produce Documents on Principal Reduction
Interview with Scott Olsen About His Injury from the Police Attack on Occupy Oakland (Video)
Are loss-share lenders gouging us?
Employment and Income Fraud on the Rise
Adam Levitin | HARP’s Dirty Little Secret: Most HARP Refis are of Positive Equity Mortgages
DO You Have A Mortgage With BAC Home Loans Servicing?
Police, Movers Refuse to Evict 103-Year-Old Woman from Foreclosed Home of 53 Years
Robo-signer Whisleblower Found Dead in Nevada

The Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.
A notary public who signed tens of thousands of false documents in a massive foreclosure scam before blowing the whistle on the scandal has been found dead in her Las Vegas home.
Full Story:
Banks May Have Illegally Foreclosed on Members of the Military

The Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.
Ten leading US lenders may have unlawfully foreclosed on the mortgages of nearly 5,000 active-duty members of the US military in recent years, according to data released by a federal regulator.
Full Story:
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion
The Law Offices of Robert E. Brown
The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. Now, the rest of the world can see what it was missing.
The Full story can be found here:
Monday, November 28, 2011
Mr. Romney on Foreclosures
Baum fall throws NY foreclosures a curve
Friday, November 25, 2011
Baum abandons foreclosure case
Desert Underwater Part 5: Who Owns Your Home?
Foreclosure firm’s collapse could delay cases statewide
Pols Rally for Foreclosure Assistance Funding
Cummings Calls for Unredacted Copies of “Engagement Letters” Between Mortgage Servicing Companies and Private Consultants
Whistleblowers ignored, punished by lenders, dozens of former employees say
Robo-Signing Problems on Foreclosure Documents
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C. Welcomes the Addition of Attorney Michael A. Mazalatis

The Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C. announces the addition of attorney Michael A. Mazalatis to the law firm.
Member, State Bar of New Jersey (November 2010 - Present)
Member, State Bar of New York (March 2011 – Present)
Admission, United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
Whom Do You Serve? UC Davis Protestors Pepper Sprayed for Sitting on the Ground
Baum Firm Could Possibly Owe “Millions of Dollars” From Foreclosured Properties
Negative Equity: How Many Loans are Underwater in Your State?
Lawmaker Questions If GSE Penalties Contributed to Foreclosure Abuses
Monday, November 21, 2011
After Arrest | Retired Police Captain Raymond Lewis Joins Occupy Wall Street (VIDEO)
OUTRAGEOUS | Miriam Mendieta, Esq., Former Managing Partner of David J. Stern’s Fraud Factory to Lead Review of 4.5 Million Foreclosure Cases
Baum law firm to close
Predatory Loan Test
•The closing took place in your home or place of business
•There was no physical closing
•You never signed any paperwork
•You never received all of your paperwork
•The mortgage broker promised or paid you to close
•You received no paperwork before the closing
•You were promised a fixed rate loan and then received an adjustable rate
•Your payment was higher than broker stated it would be
•You were told your payment included taxes and insurance
•You were told you needed to buy “life insurance” in order to be approved
•Your income was inflated
•You were approved for the loan based on the value of your home not on your income
•The mortgage broker increased the number of apartments on your application
•The broker added bank accounts you don’t have or inflated the balance in them
•The mortgage broker received an “extra” payment from the bank (known as a Y.S.P.)
•The mortgage broker earned more than what would be consider reasonable
•You refinanced multiple times (loan flipping)
•Broker promised to refinance you into a “better loan”
•Interest rate is higher than promised or incorrect
•Cash out promised is less than received
•Closing costs are higher than stated
•High closing costs
•Unearned or bogus fees paid to the bank or broker
•Payment to mortgage broker is higher than shown on closing statement (HUD)
•You were specifically targeted for a specific type of loan (more fees for broker)
•You were locked into the loan for a long period (or you had to pay a fee)
If you have any questions regarding your mortgage, predatory lending or how we can help you to fight back against foreclosure please feel to contact us.
Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.
2409 Richmond Rd., Staten Island, New York 10306
Phone: 718-979-9779 Email:
Attorney Advertising
Disparities in Mortgage Lending and Foreclosures
“Lost Ground, 2011” is based on an analysis of 27 million mortgages made over a five-year period. Here are our top-line findings:
The nation is not even halfway through the foreclosure crisis. 6.4 percent of mortgages made between 2004 and 2008 have ended in foreclosure, and an additional 8.3 percent are at immediate, serious risk.
Foreclosure patterns are strongly linked with patterns of risky lending. Foreclosure rates are consistently worse for borrowers who received high-risk loan products that were aggressively marketed before the housing crash.
The majority of people affected by foreclosures have been white families. However, borrowers of color are more than twice as likely to lose their home as white households.
Foreclosure Damage IndexDisparities in Mortgage Lending and Foreclosures: Maps and Data
Executive Summary
The full article can be found here:
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Breaking The Law… Again | ACLU, Florida Press Association, First Amendment Foundation Letter to Hillsborough County Chief Judge Menendez “Stop Blockin
Baum Weighs In After Uproar
Friday, November 18, 2011
Analysis: SEC targets low-level bankers, spares top execs
SIGTARP, Google Crack Down on Mortgage Modification Scams
Freddie Mac to securitize previously delinquent mortgages
Woman Gets Jail For Food-Stamp Fraud; Wall Street Fraudsters Get Bailouts
Foreclosure mill getting peppered
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Are You a Victim of Predatory Lending or Fraud?
John Brancato, Loss Mitigation
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Are You a Victim of Predatory Lending or Fraud?
Death Knell For ‘Robo-Signing’?
Morgan Stanley agrees to end practice...
Full Story:
Financial Fraud Law
Bank Excuses on Foreclosure Growing Stale
The Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C.
"Bank of America got a bailout, and this is an outrage, how this man has been treated,” she said. “Hard-working, middle-class Americans are trying to make it, trying to refinance with your bank.”
Either bank officials show up in person, the justice said, or I’m going to order them “here in handcuffs.”
For Full Story:
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A Coming Nightmare of Homeownership?
Occupy Buffalo protesters picket at Baum law office
Court Order | Judge Rules Occupy Wall Street Protesters Can’t Camp in Zuccotti Park
What the police don't realize is that THEY are also the 99%!
Think You Have a Predatory Loan?
Below you will find some of the results we have found after auditing our client’s mortgages:
Audited Results:
* Excessive fee charged to borrower
* Over compensation to mortgage broker
* Wrong lender foreclosing on borrower
* Borrower never received acceleration notice
* No HUD given to borrower at closing
* Mortgage broker over stated borrower’s income
* Mortgage broker added false bank account to borrower’s loan application
* Asset based lending
* Bait and switch. Borrower was switched at closing into an ARM loan
* No pre-closing documents – TIL, GFE, IOAF, Loan type, Broker’s fees
* Margin 7.125% (Adjustable rate loans only)
* TIL and Note payments do not match
* TIL does not clearly state mortgage payment
* Loan discount $ 9,315.00 – No benefit to borrower
* Mortgage broker never disclosed their additional fees
* Mortgage broker promised borrower a cash out of $76,000 if they closed the loan.
* Borrower received no note at the closing
* Borrower never signed closing documents. Broker “lifted” signatures from a previous loan.
* Mortgage broker did home closing without an attorney, notary or title company.
* Foreclosure filed during the 30 notice period
* Loan flipping. No benefit to borrower
* Closing costs ($75,966.65) higher than GFE ($47,377.15)
* $28,589.50 missing from closing (HUD)
* Hidden payment to mortgage by bank (YSP $17,402.16)
* Mortgage broker over stated borrower’s bank account by $80,400.00
* Borrower was charged for the presence of an attorney when no one presented them
* High cost loan
* APR higher
* Borrower never received cash out as shown on HUD
* Borrower received no documents at closing
* Dual tracking (lender started to foreclose while working on a modification)
* Borrower never served foreclosure documents
* Foreclosure illegally started
* Bank took payments from borrower and than foreclosed
* Process server falsified documents stating they served borrower when they did not.
* No pre-foreclosure documents given to borrower
* Foreclosure filed during the 30 day and 90 period.
* Real Estate broker, mortgage broker and attorney worked together to obtain financing and sell property to an unsuspecting borrower providing him with false and misleading information
while also giving inaccurate and deceptive information to the lender.
The Making of a "Liar's Loan," With Help From The Loan Officer
Newly Released Photo | Steven J. Baum Fraudclosure Factory “Will Work for Food! …Or a Pardon!!”
Monday, November 14, 2011
Fannie, Freddie CEOs Agree to Face Congress Over Bonuses this Wednesday
You’re FIRED | Foreclosure Mill Lawyer Extraordinaire Steven J. Baum Dropped by Freddie Mac
Superintendent Lawsky Announces Agreements With Morgan Stanley, Saxon, AHMSI & Vericrest On Groundbreaking New Mortgage Practices
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Elijah Cummings, the Homeowner Crusader
Foreclosure law firm is battling rule on accuracy
New York ‘procedural hurdle’ called unconstitutional
Full Article:
Wall Street, Main Street: Do You Have A Predatory or Fraudulent Mortgage?
Florida Clerk of Court Sues Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS)

The lawsuit was filed by a county clerk in Florida which seeks class action status to represent the state’s 67 counties. The complaint claims the use of MERS does not comply with state property laws and has cost municipalities millions in unpaid recording fees.
The full story:
Re. Joe Walsh-Don't blame the banks
If you ever had any doubt the media is controlled . . . . . .
Americans Consider Housing Policy in 2012 Election
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Lawmakers Want Answers on Bonuses to GSE Execs
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Palm Beach County Court Hosts Free Seminar - For Foreclosure Mills
Flyer Legal Staff Training5-1
New York courts brace for full force of foreclosure crisis
Policy Makers: Bank and Wall Street Greed, Not “Irresponsible Homeowners”, Caused Our Crisis
Bank admits error after couple claims home was illegally taken
Steven J. Baum | Rule Affirming Foreclosure Cases are Accurate is Unconstitutional
Flaws Jeopardize New Attempt to Help Homeowners
This will NEVER work! It is beyond clear that the auditors are in bed with the banks. These "independent" auditors have either previous or current relationships with the banks. The Feds should hire their own auditors (and let the banks pay for the audits of course). If the Feds really want to get something done why don't you hire firms in the field (like us) who see predatory lending/servicing everyday?
Foreclosure Starts Rise as Servicers Process Backlog of Delinquent Loans
Monday, November 7, 2011
Borrower Advocates Want Freeze on Foreclosures by Baum Law Firm

A homeowner defense organization has accused New York's largest foreclosure law firm of improper behavior and asked the state's top judge to discontinue any foreclosure cases the firm handles.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A Must Read | The Collapse of Our Corrupt, Predatory, Pathological Financial System is Necessary and Positive
Goldman Sachs Sued By Hedge Fund For Knowingly Selling Toxic Mortgage-Backed Investments
Freddie Mac Will Seek $6 Billion of Treasury Aid After Posting Wider Loss
HUGE Victory for Homeowners in the State of Florida – 2nd District Court of Appeals Issues Stunning Shot Across the Bow of US Financial Institutions
House Members OCC FED Follow Up Letter on “Independent” Foreclosure Reviews
Tammy Baldwin To Introduce Resolution Opposing Immunity For Banks In Foreclosure Deal
Friday, November 4, 2011
Do You Have A Predatory or Fraudulent Mortgage?
Below you will find some of the results we have found after auditing our client’s mortgages:
Audited Results:
* Excessive fee charged to borrower $ 11,042.12
* Over compensation to mortgage broker $22,379.86
* Wrong lender foreclosing on borrower
* Borrower never received acceleration notice
* No HUD given to borrower at closing
* Mortgage broker over stated borrower’s income by $225,000.00
* Mortgage broker added false bank account to borrower’s loan application for $66,000
* Asset based lending
* Bait and switch. Borrower was switched at closing into an ARM loan
* No pre-closing documents – TIL, GFE, IOAF, Loan type, Broker’s fees
* Margin 7.125% (Adjustable rate loans only)
* TIL and Note payments do not match
* TIL does not clearly state mortgage payment
* Loan discount $ 9,315.00 – No benefit to borrower
* Mortgage broker never disclosed their additional fee of $4,627.00
* Mortgage broker promised borrower a cash out of $76,000 if they closed the loan.
* Borrower received no note at the closing
* Borrower never signed any closing documents. Broker “lifted” borrower’s signatures from a
previous loan.
* Mortgage broker closed loan at borrower’s place of business without an attorney, notary or
title company.
* Foreclosure filed during the 30 notice period
* Loan flipping. No benefit to borrower
* Closing costs ($75,966.65) higher than GFE ($47,377.15)
* $28,589.50 missing from closing (HUD)
* Hidden payment to mortgage by bank (YSP $17,402.16)
* Mortgage broker over stated borrower’s bank account by $80,400.00
* Borrower was charged for the presence of an attorney when no one presented them
* High cost loan
* APR higher
* Borrower never received cash out as shown on HUD
* Borrower received no documents at closing
* Dual tracking -
* Borrower never served foreclosure documents
* Foreclosure illegally started
* Bank took payments from borrower and than foreclosed
* Process server falsified documents stating they served borrower when they did not.
* No pre-foreclosure documents given to borrower
* Foreclosure filed during the 30 day and 90 period.
* Real Estate broker, mortgage broker and attorney worked together to obtain financing and
sell property to an unsuspecting borrower providing him with false and misleading information
while also giving inaccurate and deceptive information to the lender.
* The results shown above are the results from auditing the loans of both former and current clients. No guarantees can be offered or made as to the types, amounts or severity of violations that may be found on future audits.
Law Offices of Robert E. Brown, P.C
2409 Richmond Road, Staten Island, N.Y. 10306
Phone: 718-979-9779
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac executives get big housing bonuses
The Obama administration’s efforts to fix the housing crisis may have fallen well short of helping millions of distressed mortgage holders, but they have led to seven-figure paydays for some top executives at troubled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency, the government regulator for Fannie and Freddie, approved $12.79 million in bonus pay after 10 executives from the two government-sponsored corporations last year met modest performance targets tied to modifying mortgages in jeopardy of foreclosure.
The executives got the bonuses about two years after the federally backed mortgage giants received nearly $170 billion in taxpayer bailouts — and despite pledges by FHFA, the office tasked with keeping them solvent, that it would adjust the level of CEO-level pay after critics slammed huge compensation packages paid out to former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines and others.
Securities and Exchange Commission documents show that Ed Haldeman, who announced last week that he is stepping down as Freddie Mac’s CEO, received a base salary of $900,000 last year yet took home an additional $2.3 million in bonus pay. Records show other Fannie and Freddie executives got similar Wall Street-style compensation packages; Fannie Mae CEO Michael Williams, for example, got $2.37 million in performance bonuses.
Including Haldeman, the top five officers at Freddie banked a combined $6.46 million in performance pay alone last year, though a second bonus installment for 2010 has yet to be reported to the SEC, according to agency records. Williams and others at Fannie pocketed $6.33 million in incentives for what SEC records describe as meeting the primary goal of providing “liquidity, stability and affordability” to the national market.
“Freddie Mac has done a considerable amount on behalf of the American taxpayers to support the housing finance market since entering into conservatorship,” Freddie spokesman Michael Cosgrove, told POLITICO on Monday. “We’re providing mortgage funding and continuous liquidity to the market. Together with Fannie Mae, we’ve funded the large majority of the nation’s residential loans. We’re insisting on responsible lending.”
A Fannie Mae spokesman said it is currently in a “quiet period” in advance of its third-quarter earnings report and declined to comment.
Most analysts believe the financial implosion of 2008 was fueled in part by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s zeal in promoting homeownership and their backing of risky loans. And critics say that the mortgage giants’ deep backlog of repossessed homes, and their struggle through government conservatorship, is a staggering weight on a weak economy and puts even more downward pressure on home values.
“Fannie and Freddie executives are being paid millions to manage losses,” Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), a longtime critic of the administration’s programs to rescue the housing market, told POLITICO. “By these same standards, I should be the starting forward for the Lakers. It’s completely absurd.”
“It is outrageous that senior executives at Fannie and Freddie are receiving multimillion-dollar compensation packages when they now rely on funding from U.S. taxpayers, many of whom face foreclosure or whose homes are underwater,” Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who has led House Democrats in efforts to ease Fannie and Freddie’s restrictions on restructuring loans or lowering payments for mortgage holders who owe more than their homes are worth, wrote in an email.
Compensation at Fannie and Freddie is, in fact, 40 percent below pre-government takeover levels, according to the FHFA, though those pay packages before conservatorship involved stock awards, while the current payments are exclusively cash. But compensation at both corporations, in particular Fannie Mae, has been a contentious issue since long before the 2008 financial meltdown, thanks to executives like Daniel Mudd, who earned $12.2 million in base pay and bonuses while heading Fannie, and Richard Syron, Freddie’s CEO, who pocketed $19.8 million in total compensation the year before the organization went into conservatorship.
- «Both Fannie and Freddie have long argued that they have to offer Wall Street-size paychecks to compete for the best private-sector talent. House Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) introduced a bill in April to place the executives on a government pay scale, but it has yet to move out of committee.
FHFA’s acting director, Edward J. DeMarco, told Congress last year that the managers who were at the helms of the mortgage companies during the market collapse were dismissed but also argued that generous pay helps lure “experienced, qualified” executives able to manage upward of $5 trillion in mortgage holdings amid market turmoil.
DeMarco told lawmakers he’s concerned that suggestions to apply “a federal pay system to nonfederal employees” could put the companies in jeopardy of mismanagement and result in another taxpayer bailout. He said the compensation packages at Fannie and Freddie are part of the plan to return them to solvency while reducing costs to taxpayers.
A March report by FHFA’s inspector general, however, found the agency “lacks key controls necessary to monitor” executive compensation, nor has it developed written procedures for evaluating those packages.
An FHFA representative said the agency is installing pay package recommendations outlined in the report. Currently, she wrote, the agency “carefully reviews all executive officer pay requests and considers suitability and comparability with market practice, after consulting with the Treasury Department in certain circumstances.”
Since both companies’ stock is worthless, bonuses are paid in cash, deferred bonuses and incentive pay rather than stock options. A key factor in determining those bonuses is how Fannie and Freddie performed in the loan modification program created by the administration, in addition to measures tied to financial and accounting objectives.
For example, Freddie Mac helped a mere 160,000 homeowners change their mortgages “in support” of the president’s Home Affordable Modification Programand contacted only 45 percent of eligible borrowers, according to SEC filings. The company itself has modified 134,282 of its own loans since the start of the program. Those measures determined a significant share — 35 percent — of deferred bonus salary and, to a lesser extent, “target incentives” for Freddie executives.
Fannie, which was involved in modifying 400,000 mortgages last year, also assessed executive payments based in part on how it administered HAMP.
President Barack Obama in the past has derided Wall Street “fat cats” for raking in seven-figure bonuses even though their banks and finance companies needed billions of dollars in government bailouts just to stay in business. Yet the White House so far has remained largely silent about comparable bonuses at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The congressional criticism over compensation follows other charges that DeMarco has been unwilling to throw a lifeline to homeowners plunged underwater when the market collapsed.
The government-sponsored firms have essentially filled the vacuum caused by an exodus from private lenders. But critics want the FHFA to embrace “principal write-downs,” in which lenders and, by extension, Fannie and Freddie, would have to forgive a significant portion of homeowners’ outstanding mortgages; the move, they argue, would be a major step toward restoring housing market stability and boosting the economy but would force the two companies to accept red ink on their balance sheets.
DeMarco has resisted plans to modify troubled mortgages, insisting it wasn’t part of his legal mandate to bring Fannie and Freddie to fiscal stability.
Both HAMP and a similar program, Home Affordable Refinance Program, were seen as having the potential to modify at least 3 million government-backed mortgages and refinance 4 million others. The results were disappointing, however: Just 1.7 million borrowers have been helped since the programs were launched two years ago.
Last week, the White House announced a plan to relax restrictions for the HARP refinance program, which lets homeowners in good standing refinance their mortgages at current rock-bottom interest rates. DeMarco, whom aides say had been studying a similar proposal, gave the plan his blessing — a rare point of agreement between him and the Obama administration.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly described the process by which the federal government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They were both placed in conservatorship under the supervision of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.